Thursday, December 10, 2009

To auto rig, or not to.

I've started on a modular rigging script now, mostly for class, but it'll probably be something I use for simple rigs eventually. I've never really been a fan of autorigging, mostly because when I was learning to rig, most people that used scripts to autorig usually had some flaw in it and if they wanted to fix it, it was a pain, because they relied on a script someone else made. I didn't like that so for the last few years I manually rigged characters. It was very easy to find and fix problems since I knew the rig well, but it might be time to make a script since it's starting to become mundane on everything before the skinning.

I suppose the dilemma right now is if I should start seriously making my autorig scripts, which could take over a month to get the basics down, or continue to learn rigging concepts like muscle/ncloth or doing more specialized scripts like making my own rivet rigging or animator friendly autoblendshape script that would add to the rigging I already know verses making what I know faster. I'm probably leaning more on doing things faster since it'll probably help me more in most companies since I'm not worried about the quality of my rigging, just the speed. My awesome instructor Jason Osipa really shocked me to the core what he was capable of with his scripts and jump started my need to script more for rigging. I just don't want to become one of those riggers that autorigs most of a character without foresight and is unable to fix the rig properly and thus, hampers the pipeline. I shall not be.

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